Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

Holiday weekend! Time for picnics that include cold beverages and some variety of grilled meat. Have fun and enjoy the time to relax with family and friends. 
Then please remember to honor the veterans who lost their lives serving our country. 
Maybe pledge to dedicate your yoga practice to their memory?

Please review FAQs. Also, if you are reading this via email, you may not be able to see the audio player. Just click through to view this on the blog page so you can use the audio.

1. Sit up tall in your chair with lower belly muscles firm. Place your hands against your lower ribcage and notice the rise and fall of your breath. Stay here for 5 complete breaths.

2.  Let one hand rest in your lap as the other hand *very slowly* begins reaching for the ceiling, your eyes focused on your fingertips, carefully following the movement. When your hand is as high as you can comfortably reach, relax your shoulder and neck, continuing to look up at your hand for 3 breaths. Rotate your wrist and squeeze your fingers, making a fist, then release your fingers once again. Reverse the movement by slowly watching your hand return to your lap- challenge yourself to move as slowly as possible! Patience, remember? Repeat all instructions with your other hand this time.

3. Let's use that same focused movement with our legs now. Hands can rest on your lap again. Push away from your desk so that you can see your feet. Begin to straighten one knee as you *very slowly* lift one foot off the floor, eyes fixed on your toes. Pay attention to the feel of each muscle working to make the movement possible. When leg is straight, flex the toes toward your body as you push through your heel. Take 3 slow breaths as you keep watching your foot. Then point your toes away from you, taking 3 full breaths. Circle the ankle in each direction 3 times. Then you can very slowly lower the foot back to the floor, eyes watching. Once it's lowered, gently shake the whole leg a bit to relax the tight muscles. Repeat all directions with opposite leg this time.

4. Sit back comfortably in your chair, let your shoulders relax down, release your jaw so your teeth are not clenched. Close your eyes and just breathe. See if you can count to 100 before getting distracted.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Since today is my birthday, I am thinking about what it means to be growing older. I say celebrate mid-life!  Seriously, for those of us in the over 40 crowd, would you ever want to go back and relive your younger days?

Not me. All those ups and downs made me who I am today, for better or for worse. I like to think that every experience offers us a lesson, if only we are open to learning something. Even the tough stuff we don't want to learn. 

Yoga teaches us to be aware of the present, not focused on the daydreams of past and future events.  No better day than a birthday to be grateful for the gift of this moment!

1. Sit up tall away from the back of your chair, use the lower belly muscles to keep your spine supported.

2 Inhale as your roll your shoulders up then exhale as they roll back, completing 5 rolls total.

3. Bring both hands to the back of your head, elbows pointing out to the sides. Gently press your head back into your fingertips . As you breathe deeply, draw the shoulder blades together behind you, opening through your chest. Stay here for at least 6 breaths.

4. Move hands under right thigh, lifting it off the chair seat. Rotate the ankle and wiggle your toes. Repeat with left leg.

5. Bring both hands to left armrest, twisting your upper body to the left as your bottom stays in the seat. Breathe 3 full breaths. Repeat on right side.

6. Bring hands under right thigh again, this time lifting the knee high. You can even move your hands to grasp a few inches below the front of your knee, hugging the thigh into your body for a deep hip stretch.  Take three breaths once your knee is at its highest. Repeat with left leg.

7. Open your legs as wide as you can while still staying seated. Inhale your arms reaching for the ceiling, then as you exhale, sweep the arms forward and down, fold at the hips to rest your torso onto or close to your thighs. Hands can rest on legs or hang down to the floor. Gently nod your head "yes" a few times and then shake it "no" to loosen your neck muscles. Let your head hang without tension. Stay here for 5 full breaths. Use your hands on your thighs to slowly rise to sitting.

8. Rest against the back of the seat, elbows relaxed down, fingertips on lower belly. Inhale for a slow count of 4, then exhale for that same slow count of 4. Continue this counting to four on the inhale and exhale for 5 full breath cycles. Return to your day with a renewed sense of power!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

What have you done for YOU lately? Did you race through the weekend attending the requisite family functions to celebrate Mother's Day? Or did you plant yourself in a backyard chair with the latest best-seller in your hands?

This is your friendly reminder that if you don't take the time for yourself, you will continue racing around, taking care of everyone else, to the detriment of your own health and sanity.

Just taking ten minutes for a quick yoga session is often enough to soothe the frenetic pace of our lives. Can you tell I'm talking to myself as well as to you? :)

1. Begin with palms of your hands pressed together in front of your chest, thumbs touching at your "heart center." Bring into your mind the image of a loved one. Close your eyes and take 5 deep calming breaths.

2. Inhale as you open your arms wide at shoulder height, palms facing front.  Notice the opening in your chest as you reach for left and right walls. Exhale as you close your palms together once again at heart center. Repeat 2 more times.

3. Bring left fingertips to grasp your chair under the left edge of your seat. Inhale as you lift the right arm straight up to ceiling, lifting up and out of rib cage even as your bottom stays planted in chair. Exhale with a side stretch to the left, inside of elbow stays over the ear. Keep your right sitting bone in the chair. Inhale the right up back up toward the ceiling, then exhale it down to grasp the right edge of your chair's seat. Repeat using left arm this time.

4. Repeat #3 two more times on each side.

5. Let your hands rest on your thighs as we work on leg lifts next. Sit up tall and tighten your lower belly. On an inhale, lift both lower legs off the floor, straightening the knees, toes pointed toward the wall behind your desk. An exhale lowers the legs back to the floor. Next inhale, do the same leg lift, but this time with toes flexed, pointing up at the underside of your desk. Always exhale as you release the legs back to the floor. Is your lower belly still firm? Are you holding your breath?

6. Repeat both parts of #5 three times: one lift with toes pointed, then the next with feet flexed- counts as one round. Check your posture: sit up tall!

7. Bring fingers to grasp under each side edge of your seat. As you inhale, lift up through your chest, drawing shoulders back, arching your spine toward your computer monitor. On the exhale, relax back into your chair. Repeat 2 more times.

8. Still holding edges of seat, take inhale, then exhale and fold forward bringing chest toward your thighs. Inhale back up to sitting.

9. Inhale both arms up toward the ceiling, then exhale ending with palms together at heart center. Once again bring to mind someone special in your life. Close your eyes and breathe, slowly counting to 20 before resuming your work of the day.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


When we are established in non-attachment, the nature and purpose of existence is understood. -Patanjali

The final yama in Patanjali's list is aparigraha, or nongreed. This is a very difficult one to practice, surrounded as we are with advertisements that attempt to whip up our desire for more. In some ways our society's economic system is based on greed.

Greed is not just confined to material goods. We may hunger after enlightenment, difficult asanas, spiritual powers, or perfect bliss. One way to sidestep the trap of greed is to follow the advice of the sages: Be happy with what you have. This spirit of true renunciation will diminish the power of aparigraha.

Instructions for all sessions: FAQs

1. Begin by warming up your shoulders: roll them up to your ears as you inhale and roll them back and down as you exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Stretch your arms wide on an inhale then as you exhale, swing the arms around so the hands land on the opposite shoulders, giving yourself a big hug. Repeat the wide stretch and as you hug the second time, the other arm can be on top.

3. Lift one knee off the chair seat, you can hold the back of the thigh for support. Flexing the foot on the raised leg, slowly spin the lower leg in both directions 3 times each. Place the thigh back on the seat and repeat on the other side.

4. Inhale both arms straight up for the ceiling, then on your exhale, fold at the hips so your belly comes to rest on your thighs. Let your head hang, releasing all the neck muscles. You may even rest your head on your knees if you can reach. Let your arms flop to the floor on either side of your legs. Rest here for 5 complete breath cycles.

5. Bring your hands to your knees and on an inhale, slowly push yourself back to sitting.

6. Cross your legs by bringing your right ankle to rest just above your left knee, keeping the right foot flexed at the ankle. ("man sit") If this stretch feels toe intense, rest your right ankle across your left shin, or even in front of your left ankle. Whatever leg cross works for you, think of pointing the right knee toward the ground, feeling the opening in your inner thigh and hip.

7. Still with your ankle resting across your knee/shin/opposite ankle,  rest your hands on your thighs for support, then begin a forward fold by slowly leaning your chest toward your knees, folding at the hip with your back staying flat. Lean forward enough to feel a gentle stretch, but not so far that you feel pain.

8. Return to sitting upright. Repeat #6 and #7 with the left ankle crossed above the right knee (or shin, or ankle).

9. Inhale your arms up to the ceiling, then exhale bringing your hands together in front of your heart, palms pressed together, thumbs on sternum. Close your eyes and take 5 slow, deep breaths before returning to your day.