President's Day is now a celebration of every past U.S. president as well as the current commander in chief. Even if you have no chance of ever being president of anything, except perhaps your local PTA, you are aware of the challenges of power. Note the very strong public reactions in our current political climate. Feeling powerless can be scary, but it can also stimulate great change.
Why not take a few minutes to focus on your own personal power? Do you ever feel like you are not steering your own life, like the fickle winds are constantly blowing you off course? Sometimes it's vital to revisit your overall life plan. This week take the time reflect on one area of your life that feels "out of control." Is your diet currently based on Girl Scout cookies? Are you thrilled to get a full four and a half hours of sleep each night? What sort of change would help you regain some of your own personal power?
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. -Epictetus
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1. Sit up tall away from the back of your chair, use the lower belly muscles to keep your spine supported.
2 Inhale as your roll your shoulders up then exhale as they roll back, completing 5 rolls total.
3. Bring both hands to the back of your head, elbows pointing out to the sides. Gently press your head back into your fingertips . As you breathe deeply, draw the shoulder blades together behind you, opening through your chest. Stay here for at least 6 breaths.
4. Move hands under right thigh, lifting it off the chair seat. Rotate the ankle and wiggle your toes. Repeat with left leg.
5. Bring both hands to left armrest, twisting your upper body to the left as your bottom stays in the seat. Breathe 3 full breaths. Repeat on right side.
6. Bring hands under right thigh again, this time lifting the knee high. You can even move your hands to grasp a few inches below the front of your knee, hugging the thigh into your body for a deep hip stretch. Take three breaths once your knee is at its highest. Repeat with left leg.
7. Open your legs as wide as you can while still staying seated. Inhale your arms reaching for the ceiling, then as you exhale, sweep the arms forward and down, fold at the hips to rest your torso onto or close to your thighs. Hands can rest on legs or hang down to the floor. Gently nod your head "yes" a few times and then shake it "no" to loosen your neck muscles. Let your head hang without tension. Stay here for 5 full breaths. Use your hands on your thighs to slowly rise to sitting.
8. Rest against the back of the seat, elbows relaxed down, fingertips on lower belly. Inhale for a slow count of 4, then exhale for that same slow count of 4. Continue this counting to four on the inhale and exhale for 5 full breath cycles. Return to your day with a renewed sense of power!
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