We take breathing for granted. I've been fighting a cold for over a month now, so I am very thankful for any moment that I can take a deep breath that doesn't result in a coughing fit.
So many of our common sayings have to do with our breath: Feeling angry or anxious? take a deep breath! Feeling renewed? like a breath of fresh air! Feeling overly busy? stop and take time to catch your breath! Surprised? that took your breath away!
In our yoga practice, breathing is essential. We focus on the inhale and exhale in order to calm our constantly spinning "monkey"minds. We connect our movements with the rhythm of our breath in order to flow with awareness of our body.
For more information and some simple breathing exercises, check out this great article from Harvard Medical School.
1.On an inhale, lift both shoulders up to your ears, exhaling as you relax them back down again. Repeat that 4 more times, always moving with the breath: lift on inhale, lower on exhale.
2. Roll shoulders up on inhale, then back on exhale, repeat 4 more times
3. Turn head to left on inhale, face forward on exhale, turn right on inhale, face forward on exhale, 3 times each side
4. Inhale with face forward, exhale as drop chin, inhale as roll head to left side, ear toward shoulder (shoulder stays settled), exhale chin to chest, inhale as roll right ear to right shoulder, exhale chin to chest, 3 times each side
5. From chin down position, inhale as look up at ceiling, lifting chin, keep back of neck long not pinched, exhale back down, repeat 3 times
6. Lift hands from lap, on inhale squeeze into fists then exhale as splay open fingers, repeat 4 times
7. Rotate wrists 3-4 times in both directions, ending with hands pressed together (fingers and palms flat as in prayer/heart center position) in front of sternum (breastbone), take 3 slow breaths
8. Open arms widely to your side, palms down and arms parallel to floor, reaching fingers to side walls, shoulders stay relaxed notice opening through your chest, continue to breath and hold here, reaching away from your body for 5 full breaths then let your hands rest on your lap
9. Push chair away from desk enough so make room for legs to lift. Sitting up tall, tighten your lower belly, on inhale lift right foot off floor until knee is straight, toes pointed to ceiling as you lift, push into heel, exhale slowly brings foot back to floor, switch to left foot, and continue alternating lifting on inhale and lowering on exhale, repeat 4 times each side
10. Settle both feet on floor, inhale arms up with fingers reaching for ceiling, elbows can be bent if your shoulders feel tight, exhale hands to heart center position (hands pressed flat together at center of chest), repeat 3 more times
11. Let hands rest gently in your lap, lean back against chair, let your eyes close or look down at your knees, return to slow breath, letting belly rise and fall with each breath
12. Relax and breath for a full minute, count 20 deep, slow breaths, before returning to your day!