Sunday, September 15, 2013


Two ways to think about inspiration:
-the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative.
-the drawing in of breath; inhalation
The new school year is well underway and our thoughts turn to new undertakings. All those blank notebooks and shiny new pens lining the school supply aisles remind us of the exciting possibilities of this time of year.

Are you feeling inspired to make some changes this fall? Before the holiday craziness begins, reflect on how 2013 has unfolded for you so far. Is there something new you have wanted to add to your life, but the time was never right? Or maybe you have wanted to remove something less than fulfilling from your life and just never got around to it.

Now is the time! The lazy days of summer are behind us and brisk fall air gives us renewed energy. What will you "breathe in" during your practice today and the rest of the week?

 1. Neck massage: Lean your head toward your left shoulder and use your right hand to massage your right shoulder and side of your neck with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale). Repeat with head tilted to the right and using your left hand.

2.Bring both hands behind your neck. Use all your fingers to massage the base of your skull down to your upper back with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale).

3. Point and flex ankles: Rest your arms on the chair armrests. On an inhale, flex your right ankle, toes pointing up and heel on floor. Exhale as you lift the heel and point the toes into the floor. Repeat 5 times then switch to left foot.

4. Torso twist: Sit up straight in your chair with hands pressed together at heart center. As you exhale, still with hands pressed together, bring right elbow to rest on the left thigh, turning chest to face the left side of the room. Stay here for 3 breaths then inhale back to sitting up tall. Repeat by bringing left elbow to right thigh and twist to the right this time, again for 3 breaths. 

5. Warrior 1: Slide to the front edge of your seat and turn your body and both knees to the left side with the chair seat supporting the left butt cheek and thigh. The right thigh hangs off the front edge, perpendicular to the floor while the right knee points toward the floor. Slide the right foot back so that the right leg begins to straighten. Turn the foot out so that you can comfortably place it flat on the floor. Keep your upper body sitting tall, resting your left hand on the chair arm support and your right hand on your left thigh.  Keep your torso facing to the left, and if you feel steady on the chair, you can raise your arms up to the ceiling on a inhale. Hold 5 breaths then repeat on right side.

 6. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and calmly for one or two minutes before returning to your day.

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