Do you ever have one of those days when you just feel old? Maybe you were carrying a full laundry basket up the stairs and you got winded before you reached the landing. Or maybe you leaned your face too close to that bathroom mirror when you were washing your hands. When did those new wrinkles appear?!
We all need to face the fact that aging is inevitable, no matter how strongly we resist it. A good aesthetician can help you with your skin issues, but what about those other physical changes? Should our yoga practice change as we celebrate more birthdays? Not necessarily.
Let's keep in mind the foundation for our practice: the union of body, mind and breath. From that starting point, we recognize that adapting asana to our current physical, mental, and emotional state will carry us through any challenge posed by Father Time.
I propose we embrace the honor and gift of growing older. After all, it sure beats the alternative.
1. After you've reviewed instructions for all sessions, begin with your hands resting in your lap. Bring your attention to your breath, not changing it, just notice if the breaths are coming quickly or slowly, deeply or more shallow. Continue this way for at least 5 breaths.
2. Notice if all edges of your feet are evenly rooted to the floor. Wiggle the toes, then lift them as you rock back onto your heels, rolling both feet onto their left edges, then press into the balls, rocking over to the right edges, finally placing both feet solidly on the ground with equal pressure. Repeat that circle to the left this time. Did focusing on your feet take you away from your breath? Bring your calm attention back to the breath once again.
3. On your next inhale, reach your arms wide, feeling a stretch through the front of your torso. As you exhale, bring hands to the center of your chest, palms pressed together with thumbs touching sternum. ("heart center") Repeat 3 times.
4. Lift one foot foot and circle the ankles 3 or 4 times in each direction. Repeat with other foot. Finish with both feet resting back on the floor.
5. As you inhale, lift hands overhead, reaching for the ceiling, again exhaling the hands back to heart center. Repeat 3 times.
6. On the next inhale, just lift one arm straight up. As you exhale bend the elbow so that your hand drifts behind your neck toward the space between your should blades. Your elbow stays next to your ear, pointing up at the ceiling as you try to stretch your fingers further down your back. Keep reaching for another 3 breaths, then inhale the arm straight up again and exhale it back down to your lap. Repeat with opposite arm.
7. You just gave yourself a pat on the back! Now you deserve a some more quiet breathing before heading back to your busy day. Reread #1, commit to those 5 breaths, then enjoy your day!
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