Sunday, December 29, 2013


Here we are at the end of 2013 already. How did you do with your "year of desk yoga" challenge?

Did you find a few minutes to enjoy peaceful stretching and breathing each day of 2013? Yeah, neither did I.

But there were more days when I did make the time to be still compared to 2012. And that is what it's all about. Small steps. Let's be grateful that we had those quiet moments and look forward to many more in 2014.

Thank you for being part of this journey.


 1.On an inhale, lift both shoulders up to your ears, exhaling as you relax them back down again. Repeat that 4 more times, always moving with the breath: lift on inhale, lower on exhale.

2. Roll shoulders up on inhale, then back on exhale, repeat 4 more times

3. Turn head to left on inhale, face forward on exhale, turn right on inhale, face forward on exhale, 3 times each side

4. Inhale with face forward, exhale as drop chin, inhale as roll head to left side, ear toward shoulder (shoulder stays settled), exhale chin to chest, inhale as roll right ear to right shoulder, exhale chin to chest, 3 times each side

5. From chin down position, inhale as look up at ceiling, lifting chin, keep back of neck long not pinched, exhale back down, repeat 3 times

6. Lift hands from lap, on inhale squeeze into fists then exhale as splay open fingers, repeat 4 times

7. Rotate wrists 3-4 times in both directions, ending with hands pressed together (fingers and palms flat as in prayer/heart center position) in front of sternum (breastbone), take 3 slow breaths

8. Open arms widely to your side, palms down and arms parallel to floor, reaching fingers to side walls, shoulders stay relaxed notice opening through your chest, continue to breath and hold here, reaching away from your body for 5 full breaths then let your hands rest on your lap

9. Push chair away from desk enough so make room for legs to lift. Sitting up tall, tighten your lower belly, on inhale lift right foot off floor until knee is straight, toes pointed to ceiling as you lift, push into heel, exhale slowly brings foot back to floor, switch to left foot, and continue alternating lifting on inhale and lowering on exhale, repeat 4 times each side

10. Settle both feet on floor, inhale arms up with fingers reaching for ceiling, elbows can be bent if your shoulders feel tight, exhale hands to heart center position (hands pressed flat together at center of chest), repeat 3 more times

11. Let hands rest gently in your lap, lean back against chair, let your eyes close or look down at your knees, return to slow breath, letting belly rise and fall with each breath

12. Relax and breath for a full minute, count 20 deep, slow breaths, before returning to your day!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


We could all use a little serenity at this time of year. We enter the holiday season with great expectations of radiating joy in every moment of celebration time with family and friends.

Then reality hits. If we can breathe through the tough moments, we can accept that we are only human. That slight internal shift lets us step forward, offering our true selves to the rest of humanity.

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference."

-Reinhold Niebuhr

 1. Neck massage: Lean your head toward your left shoulder and use your right hand to massage your right shoulder and side of your neck with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale). Repeat with head tilted to the right and using your left hand.

2.Bring both hands behind your neck. Use all your fingers to massage the base of your skull down to your upper back with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale).

3. Point and flex ankles: Rest your arms on the chair armrests. On an inhale, flex your right ankle, toes pointing up and heel on floor. Exhale as you lift the heel and point the toes into the floor. Repeat 5 times then switch to left foot.

4. Torso twist: Sit up straight in your chair with hands pressed together at heart center. As you exhale, still with hands pressed together, bring right elbow to rest on the left thigh, turning chest to face the left side of the room. Stay here for 3 breaths then inhale back to sitting up tall. Repeat by bringing left elbow to right thigh and twist to the right this time, again for 3 breaths. 

5. Warrior 1: Slide to the front edge of your seat and turn your body and both knees to the left side with the chair seat supporting the left butt cheek and thigh. The right thigh hangs off the front edge, perpendicular to the floor while the right knee points toward the floor. Slide the right foot back so that the right leg begins to straighten. Turn the foot out so that you can comfortably place it flat on the floor. Keep your upper body sitting tall, resting your left hand on the chair arm support and your right hand on your left thigh.  Keep your torso facing to the left, and if you feel steady on the chair, you can raise your arms up to the ceiling on a inhale. Hold 5 breaths then repeat on right side.

 6. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and calmly for one or two minutes before returning to your day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


The daylight hours have been getting shorter and the temperature keeps dropping.

Welcome Winter!

This time of chilly darkness has been honored with feasts and celebration as far back as neolithic times. Long before modern religions co-opted the season, the winter solstice was recognized by ancient cultures for its significance: the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days that begins at the summer solstice.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs at that time at which the sun is at its southernmost point in the sky, causing the shortest day and longest night of the year. So naturally that means that every day after the winter solstice, the length of daylight is increasing once again.

Definitely a reason to rejoice!

1. Imagine you could breathe in through one nostril then exhale through the other. Picture your breath cycle as drawing the breath up from base of your spine and up the left side of your body as you inhale through your left nostril. Then picture the exhale leaving your right nostril and traveling down the right side of your body back down to the base of your spine, where is continues into the next inhale up the left side again. Use this visualization for 3 cycles of breath then reverse direction: inhale up the right side and exhale down the left.

2. Sitting up tall in your chair with the lower belly firm, inhale your arms straight out to the sides. Exhale and bring your fingertips to your shoulders. Continue this movement for 5 breath cycles, bending at the elbow with upper arms parallel to the floor.

3. Bring hands to rest hands in your lap, still sitting up tall, lift right foot off the floor as you straighten the knee. Ankle is flexed with toes pointing up, lift the thigh right off the chair just an inch or so, using the belly muscles and holding 3 breaths. Repeat with left leg.

4.  Camel: Slide a few inches forward away from the back of your chair, bring the palms of your hands to your lower back. Look up at the ceiling as you arch your back and come into a gentle, supported back bend, hands on lower back, letting your head and neck relax and drop back. Breathe for 3 breath cycles. Slowly use your hands to come back up, then shift hands to your knees, folding at the hips to rest your belly on your thighs in a forward fold. Take 3 breaths then use your hands to push to sitting,

5. Eagle: Cross your right thigh over your left thigh. If you can, wrap the right foot all the way around the left calf. Cross your left arm over the right one at the elbow. Bend the elbows and bring your palms to touch.  Lift the elbows while dropping the shoulders away from the ears. Hold three to five breaths. Repeat with left thigh over right thigh this time.

6. Repeat #1 for 3 cycles each side, then rest for a few minutes with your natural breathing. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013


How is that holiday preparation "to-do" list looking? Do you freak out every time you hear the number of shopping days the remain until Christmas?

According to the Holiday Stress Index that resulted from a 2009 study of U.S. adults:

*41% are anxious about not being able to purchase gifts for everyone on their list
*30% feel anxiety about shopping for the “perfect” present
*28% are anxious about dealing with family conflicts

Step away from the list! Even on the busiest day, you can find a few minutes alone to be still enough to notice your breath. Even if you are sitting in your car in the mall parking lot.

For some inspiration, read this great Mayo Clinic article to find out the ways that yoga helps relieve stress.

1. Become aware of your breath by placing one hand on your lower belly and the other hand on your chest. Just notice the rise and fall: where do you sense the beginning of the inhale and what changes come with the exhale? Stay here and pay attention for the next 5 breaths until you feel calm and focused.

2. Use your left hand to slowly massage your right forearm, moving the thumb in wide circles with gentle pressure. Continue to massage the wrist then the palm of the hand and finally each individual fingers. Take your time, breathing calmly as you feel the tension melt away. Repeat with left forearm and hand. 

3. Sit up straight with shoulders relaxed back. Bring your forearms across your chest so that you can use your hands to clasp the opposite elbow. Still holding your elbows, lift the arms to shoulder height and tuck in the lower belly. Taking a deep inhale, fold at the hips and bring the forearms down to rest on the thighs, still hand-to-elbow. Tuck your chin to your chest and keep your back flat, belly tucked in. Breathe here for 5 full breaths.

4. Come back to sitting upright, sitting tall with belly tight, straighten one leg with the foot flexed, toes pointing up. See if you can lift your thigh off the chair seat, just an inch or two. Slowly pulse the leg up and down with your breath: lift on an inhale and lower thigh to the chair on an exhale. Leg stays straight the whole time. Lower the foot back to the floor after 5 lifts then repeat with your other leg.

5. Warrior 2: Move to the edge of the seat and open with legs wide, with left knee turned out to the left side and right leg straight out to the right with foot flat on the floor. Torso, with belly tightened, stays facing forward toward your PC monitor. Use an inhale to lift both arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Turn your head to look out over your left hand. Take 5 full breaths here then repeat on right side.

6. Settle back comfortably in your chair and repeat #1 for 10 breaths before returning to your day.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


No, it's not about the turkey.

What are you grateful for today? This moment? Even if you feel like nothing is going right and the world is caving in on you, there is always the time to be thankful for this breath. And the next one.

Start with noticing your breath, then shift your focus your amazing body. Not how it looks or how it may not always function the way you would prefer. Be grateful for this body, every single bit of it, that allows you to move through the world. This imperfect body that allows you to experience the world through all five senses.

That's it.

What more do we need?

1. Sit up tall in your chair with lower belly muscles firm. Place your hands against your lower ribcage and notice the rise and fall of your breath. Stay here for 5 complete breaths.

2.  Let one hand rest in your lap as the other hand *very slowly* begins reaching for the ceiling, your eyes focused on your fingertips, carefully following the movement. When your hand is as high as you can comfortably reach, relax your shoulder and neck, continuing to look up at your hand for 3 breaths. Rotate your wrist and squeeze your fingers, making a fist, then release your fingers once again. Reverse the movement by slowly watching your hand return to your lap- challenge yourself to move as slowly as possible! Patience, remember? Repeat all instructions with your other hand this time.

3. Let's use that same focused movement with our legs now. Hands can rest on your lap again. Push away from your desk so that you can see your feet. Begin to straighten one knee as you *very slowly* lift one foot off the floor, eyes fixed on your toes. Pay attention to the feel of each muscle working to make the movement possible. When leg is straight, flex the toes toward your body as you push through your heel. Take 3 slow breaths as you keep watching your foot. Then point your toes away from you, taking 3 full breaths. Circle the ankle in each direction 3 times. Then you can very slowly lower the foot back to the floor, eyes watching. Once it's lowered, gently shake the whole leg a bit to relax the tight muscles. Repeat all directions with opposite leg this time.

4. Sit back comfortably in your chair, let your shoulders relax down, release your jaw so your teeth are not clenched. Close your eyes and just breathe. See if you can count to 100 before getting distracted.

5. Did you skip #4 completely? Did the slow pace of #2 and #3 drive you crazy? Impatient, maybe? Let that message be your theme of the day. :) 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Some of us face this month of mandatory joy with fear and dread instead.
Facing the in-laws, blowing the gift budget, getting the flu: all real hazards of the holiday season.

For others, the sense of loneliness casts a dark shadow over what all the commercials tell us is "the most wonderful time of the year." If you know someone who is recently divorced or widowed, or lives far away from friends and family, reach out to them this month. Even meeting for a quick cup of coffee can make a big difference in someone's life.

If you are the person facing a lonely celebration, find the courage to connect with your community in some small way. Your local food pantry or homeless shelter will embrace your willingness to make the season bright.

 Please review FAQs. Also, if you are reading this via email, you may not be able to see the audio player. Just click through to view this on the blog page so you can use the audio.

  1. Let's begin with the 3-part breath. Breathing through your nose, inhale and notice that your belly lifts, your ribs expand, and your chest rises. As you exhale, your chest drops, your ribs contract, and your belly softens and lowers. As you continue to breathe, keep your awareness on this three-part movement. Close your eyes and continue for 5 full breath cycles.

2. Sit up tall in your chair and extend your arms straight out to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Flex at your wrists so fingers are pointing up and palms face away from your body. Keep your arms straight as you push through your wrist, as you rotate your shoulders making small 5 circles in each direction with your hands and arms. Maintain the 3-part breath throughout. Still with arms extended, now flex your wrist down so that fingers point to floor. Repeat mini-circles, 5 in each  direction. Then let hands rest in your lap.

3. Lift your right foot about 4-6" off the floor. Rotate the ankle a few times in each direction, then place the heel on the floor with your toes flexed up. Take a breath here and allow the calf and Achilles to open. Next breath, point the toe onto the floor as you lift the heel. Now slowly alternate with each breath: inhale and point, exhale and flex. Complete 5 rounds then let the right foot rest and repeat on the left side.

4. Check to see if you are still sitting up tall in your chair. If your seat back is higher than your shoulders, you'll need to move to the edge of the seat. Extend your arms straight out to the side once again as in #2. This time palms face up toward ceiling. Take an inhale then bend your elbows, slowly exhaling and bringing fingers to touch your shoulders. As you inhale, twist the entire torso toward the right, still with hands on shoulders and elbows pointing out. Your lower body stays still in the chair. The exhale brings you back to center, then inhale as you twist to the left. Complete 3 full cycles of this torso twist to the right and left.

5. Supported high lunge: If you are not already sitting on the front edge of your seat, slide there now. Turn your body and both knees to the left side with the chair seat supporting the left butt cheek and thigh. The right thigh hangs off the front edge, perpendicular to the floor while the right knee points toward the floor. Slide the right foot back so that the right leg begins to straighten while the right toes are balancing the foot, heel is lifted. Keep your upper body sitting tall, resting your left hand on the chair arm support and your right hand on your left thigh. Guide the right leg to straighten even more by breathing into the back of the right knee as you push through the right heel. Stay here for at least 5 full breaths then slide the knees over to the right and repeat with the left leg extended behind you this time.

6. Sit back in your chair and relax. Return to the 3-part breath that we started in #1. Close your eyes and complete 10 full rounds of the 3-part breath.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Whether you embrace the excitement of the season or have to be dragged kicking and screaming through the door of the store that is blaring Christmas carols already, there is no avoiding the fact that the holiday game is on. The rules of the game start with materialism and end with consumerism.

But your family is the exception, right? You will focus only on the spiritual aspects of the next eight weeks. I suppose that might be possible if you don't leave your house. Or use your phone or internet.

For the rest of us, the reality is that we are trapped under the spell of the buy/wrap/give/receive cycle.

Here is a way to ignore the first half of that cycle: give of yourself and your time to help a worthy cause, and receive in turn the rewarding feeling of helping others.

Try this link to get started:

1. Sit up tall away from the back of your chair, use the lower belly muscles to keep your spine supported.

2 Inhale as your roll your shoulders up then exhale as they roll back, completing 5 rolls total.

3. Bring both hands to the back of your head, elbows pointing out to the sides. Gently press your head back into your fingertips . As you breathe deeply, draw the shoulder blades together behind you, opening through your chest. Stay here for at least 6 breaths.

4. Move hands under right thigh, lifting it off the chair seat. Rotate the ankle and wiggle your toes. Repeat with left leg.

5. Bring both hands to left armrest, twisting your upper body to the left as your bottom stays in the seat. Breathe 3 full breaths. Repeat on right side.

6. Bring hands under right thigh again, this time lifting the knee high. You can even move your hands to grasp a few inches below the front of your knee, hugging the thigh into your body for a deep hip stretch.  Take three breaths once your knee is at its highest. Repeat with left leg.

7. Open your legs as wide as you can while still staying seated. Inhale your arms reaching for the ceiling, then as you exhale, sweep the arms forward and down, fold at the hips to rest your torso onto or close to your thighs. Hands can rest on legs or hang down to the floor. Gently nod your head "yes" a few times and then shake it "no" to loosen your neck muscles. Let your head hang without tension. Stay here for 5 full breaths. Use your hands on your thighs to slowly rise to sitting.

8. Rest against the back of the seat, elbows relaxed down, fingertips on lower belly. Inhale for a slow count of 4, then exhale for that same slow count of 4. Continue this counting to four on the inhale and exhale for 5 full breath cycles. Return to your day with a renewed sense of power!

Sunday, November 10, 2013



How will you honor the veterans among your friends and family to commemorate "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month"? None of us are untouched by the service of our military, both past and present.

If you are an avid social media user, you might want to show your support this Veteran's Day in a decidedly modern way.

Or if you are looking for a more traditional observance, click here to find a public ceremony near you.

Even a simple, face-to-face "thanks" will do.

1. Begin with palms of your hands pressed together in front of your chest, thumbs touching at your "heart center." Bring into your mind the image of a loved one. Close your eyes and take 5 deep calming breaths.

2. Inhale as you open your arms wide at shoulder height, palms facing front.  Notice the opening in your chest as you reach for left and right walls. Exhale as you close your palms together once again at heart center. Repeat 2 more times.

3. Bring left fingertips to grasp your chair under the left edge of your seat. Inhale as you lift the right arm straight up to ceiling, lifting up and out of rib cage even as your bottom stays planted in chair. Exhale with a side stretch to the left, inside of elbow stays over the ear. Keep your right sitting bone in the chair. Inhale the right up back up toward the ceiling, then exhale it down to grasp the right edge of your chair's seat. Repeat using left arm this time.

4. Repeat #3 two more times on each side.

5. Let your hands rest on your thighs as we work on leg lifts next. Sit up tall and tighten your lower belly. On an inhale, lift both lower legs off the floor, straightening the knees, toes pointed toward the wall behind your desk. An exhale lowers the legs back to the floor. Next inhale, do the same leg lift, but this time with toes flexed, pointing up at the underside of your desk. Always exhale as you release the legs back to the floor. Is your lower belly still firm? Are you holding your breath?

6. Repeat both parts of #5 three times: one lift with toes pointed, then the next with feet flexed- counts as one round. Check your posture: sit up tall!

7. Bring fingers to grasp under each side edge of your seat. As you inhale, lift up through your chest, drawing shoulders back, arching your spine toward your computer monitor. On the exhale, relax back into your chair. Repeat 2 more times.

8. Still holding edges of seat, take inhale, then exhale and fold forward bringing chest toward your thighs. Inhale back up to sitting.

9. Inhale both arms up toward the ceiling, then exhale ending with palms together at heart center. Once again bring to mind someone special in your life. Close your eyes and breathe, slowly counting to 20 before resuming your work of the day. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013


What will you do with that extra hour we "gained" this past weekend? Did you actually sleep an hour longer? If so, good for you! 

For most of us, re-setting the clocks after Daylight Savings Time ends presents an uncomfortable transition for our bodies to adjust to the time change. If you do find yourself awake earlier the next few days, why not take those minutes to close your eyes and silently notice your breath?

Sit up so you don't fall back to sleep. Place your hands on your belly and/or chest just to find where your body moves as you breathe in. Silently think the word "breathe" in a slow, drawn out way each time you inhale or exhale. Spend just a few minutes practicing this mindful breathing.

Then you will be ready to begin your day with calm focus. Or maybe you will just "fall-back" into bed, relaxed and sleepy! Make sure you re-set your alarm clock so you're not late for work.

Instructions for all sessions: FAQs Also, if you are reading this via email, you may not be able to see the audio player. Just click through to view this on the blog page so you can use the audio.

1. Begin by warming up your shoulders: roll them up to your ears as you inhale and roll them back and down as you exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Stretch your arms wide on an inhale then as you exhale, swing the arms around so the hands land on the opposite shoulders, giving yourself a big hug. Repeat the wide stretch and as you hug the second time, the other arm can be on top.

3. Lift one knee off the chair seat, you can hold the back of the thigh for support. Flexing the foot on the raised leg, slowly spin the lower leg in both directions 3 times each. Place the thigh back on the seat and repeat on the other side.

4. Inhale both arms straight up for the ceiling, then on your exhale, fold at the hips so your belly comes to rest on your thighs. Let your head hang, releasing all the neck muscles. You may even rest your head on your knees if you can reach. Let your arms flop to the floor on either side of your legs. Rest here for 5 complete breath cycles.

5. Bring your hands to your knees and on an inhale, slowly push yourself back to sitting.

6. Cross your legs by bringing your right ankle to rest just above your left knee, keeping the right foot flexed at the ankle. ("man sit") If this stretch feels toe intense, rest your right ankle across your left shin, or even in front of your left ankle. Whatever leg cross works for you, think of pointing the right knee toward the ground, feeling the opening in your inner thigh and hip.

7. Still with your ankle resting across your knee/shin/opposite ankle,  rest your hands on your thighs for support, then begin a forward fold by slowly leaning your chest toward your knees, folding at the hip with your back staying flat. Lean forward enough to feel a gentle stretch, but not so far that you feel pain.

8. Return to sitting upright. Repeat #6 and #7 with the left ankle crossed above the right knee (or shin, or ankle).

9. Inhale your arms up to the ceiling, then exhale bringing your hands together in front of your heart, palms pressed together, thumbs on sternum. Close your eyes and take 5 slow, deep breaths before returning to your day. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Crunchy and colorful leaves. Bright orange pumpkins. Crisp apples in every shade of red and green.

Do you lament the passing warmth of summer? Do you dread the bracing chill of winter on its way? Or can you find contentment in this season of harvest and decay?

Today I invite you enjoy the essence of autumn right outside your window. Without looking back or ahead, just observe this brief moment.

 1. Begin by sitting on only the front half of your chair seat, but with enough of your rear end and thighs supported so you don't slip off!

2. Inhale as you roll your shoulders up, then release them down on an exhale. Repeat 4 times.

3. Inhale arms out to your sides, parallel to the floor with palms facing down. Exhale as you bring them back to the side of the chair. Repeat 4 times.

4. Inhale arms back to that same outstretched position with palms facing down and as you exhale, turn the palms facing up. Continue to turn the arms(palms up, then down) with your breath 4 times then let hands rest in your lap.

5. Take 4 deep, calming breaths, noticing your heart beat.

6. Sitting up tall, still sitting back only halfway onto the chair seat so there is space between your back and the backrest, inhale as you lift your chest, resisting at the lower abdomen. On the exhale, reach the hands behind you and rest the hands on your lower back, palms facing out. With hands behind you, continue to inhale and lift your chest, exhaling as your hands move closer together, opening the shoulders. After a few breaths you may be able to reach your hands to grasp the opposite elbow. Stay here for at least 4 breaths.

7. Rest hands back on your thighs, still sitting only halfway on the chair seat, turn both knees pointing the left side, shifting so that most of your weight is on your left butt cheek. The right knee may be pointing at the floor as you turn your body to the left. The left knee is at a 90 degree angle with left foot flat on the floor. Sit up tall using your belly muscles, hands resting on the left thigh. Take 4 slow breaths.

8. Shift your body back to center, then repeat #7 facing to the right.

9. Return to center and slide yourself back onto the seat, resting your back against the chair back now. Soften your gaze, noticing the rise and fall of your belly as you breathe for 8 full breaths.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Do you ever have one of those days when you just feel old?  Maybe you were carrying a full laundry basket up the stairs and you got winded before you reached the landing. Or maybe you leaned your face too close to that bathroom mirror when you were washing your hands. When did those new wrinkles appear?! 

We all need to face the fact that aging is inevitable, no matter how strongly we resist it. A good aesthetician can help you with your skin issues, but what about those other physical changes? Should our yoga practice change as we celebrate more birthdays? Not necessarily.

Let's keep in mind the foundation for our practice: the union of body, mind and breath. From that starting point, we recognize that adapting asana to our current physical, mental, and emotional state will carry us through any challenge posed by Father Time.

I propose we embrace the honor and gift of growing older. After all, it sure beats the alternative.

1. After you've reviewed instructions for all sessions, begin with your hands resting in your lap. Bring your attention to your breath, not changing it, just notice if the breaths are coming quickly or slowly, deeply or more shallow. Continue this way for at least 5 breaths.

2. Notice if all edges of your feet are evenly rooted to the floor. Wiggle the toes, then lift them as you rock back onto your heels, rolling both feet onto their left edges, then press into the balls, rocking over to the right edges, finally placing both feet solidly on the ground with equal pressure. Repeat that circle to the left this time. Did focusing on your feet take you away from your breath? Bring your calm attention back to the breath once again.

3.  On your next inhale, reach your arms wide, feeling a stretch through the front of your torso. As you exhale, bring hands to the center of your chest, palms pressed together with thumbs touching sternum. ("heart center") Repeat 3 times.

4. Lift one foot foot and circle the ankles 3 or 4 times in each direction. Repeat with other foot. Finish with both feet resting back on the floor.

5. As you inhale, lift hands overhead, reaching for the ceiling, again exhaling the hands back to heart center. Repeat 3 times.

6. On the next inhale, just lift one arm straight up. As you exhale bend the elbow so that your hand drifts behind your neck toward the space between your should blades. Your elbow stays next to your ear, pointing up at the ceiling as you try to stretch your fingers further down your back. Keep reaching for another 3 breaths, then inhale the arm straight up again and exhale it back down to your lap. Repeat with opposite arm.

7. You just gave yourself a pat on the back! Now you deserve a some more quiet breathing before heading back to your busy day. Reread #1, commit to those 5 breaths, then enjoy your day!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Observing Columbus Day on the second Monday in October can be a controversial undertaking. But many communities have embraced the spirit of discovery in order to downplay the injustice of conquest. Read more here:

What does discovery mean in your yoga practice? When we settle into asana (poses) or meditation, if we're paying attention, we can always learn something new about our body and state of mind.

Do you tend to criticize yourself when your muscles don't move the way you expect? Do you feel antsy or agitated when you first begin meditation? Do you get bored or distracted easily, ignoring your breath and just plowing through to the next pose? I have discovered all of those issues in myself and so many more!

The way to put these discoveries to work in a positive way is just to observe them with curiosity. No need to berate yourself for not achieving that elusive, and ultimately unattainable, "Yoga Journal" pose. Open your body and mind to discovering what this moment holds for you in reality, not what you *think* it should contain.

Today, I invite you to discover the silence between and within each pose and each breath. This session will take you about 8 minutes.

1. Once you're comfortable in your chair, breathing only through your nose, see if you can actually hear your own breath as it enters and then slowly leaves your body.

2. You may notice that as you concentrate on your breath, it begins to slow, each inhale and each exhale getting longer, deeper. Continue 5 more breaths this way.

3. Move your hands to grasp the outside edge of your chair seat, near your thighs. If the chair armrests are in the way, you can grab those instead. Sitting up tall, fingers holding the seat edge, inhale as you lift your chest forward, exaggerating the curve of your spine and drawing your shoulders back. ("cow pose")

 4. Still holding the seat edge, on an exhale, reverse the curve, rounding the spine as you pull your belly in and shift your shoulders forward. ("cat pose")

 5. Repeat numbers 3 and 4 each 3 more times, always slowly moving with the breath. Let your hands settle in your lap when you're done.

 6. Rest back against the back of your chair, but keep a long spine, good posture. Inhale as you straighten both knees, lifting both feet off the floor, ankles flexed so the toes point upward. Exhale them back down. Repeat 3 more times, pulling the toes toward you as the calves begin to warm up.

 7. Push about 2 feet away from your desk to give yourself some extra room. Slide the legs apart so that the back of your knees rest near the very outer (side) edges of your seat. Sitting up tall again, using the belly muscles so you don't need to lean back against the chair. Inhale as you raise both hands high into the air, reaching for the ceiling. As you exhale, sweep both arms forward and down to land on the chair seat between your knees or on your thighs. As you sweep your arms down, lean your torso forward, hinging from the hips. Repeat 3 more times.

 8. Close the knees together, let your hands settle in your lap, and lean against the backrest. Return to the quiet breaths that we started with today. Keep listening for 10 more breaths, then return to your day continuing to pay attention to all the sounds around you.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


When I use the word "mindful," I get strange looks. Then the questions start. What do you mean by mindful? Like using your mind: plain old thinking? Or is it simply referring to the act of paying attention? Well, sort of.

Here is the definition offered by the Greater Good Science Center: "Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment."

Why is this awareness important? It is truly the foundation of yoga: Patanjali's Yoga sutra 1.2, yogas citta vrtti nirodhah.  This can be translated as "cessation of the fluctuations of the mind."

So are your thoughts normally bouncing all over inside your mind like a sugar-crazed toddler? Yeah, mine too. If you can imagine calming that toddler down with a hug or their favorite blanket, finding some peace and quiet, that's where mindfulness begins.

Check out this site for an article and a short video with Jon Kabat-Zinn, author and designer of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program, giving a quick version of what we mean by living mindfully.

Ten more reasons to practice mindfulness, as if you needed more!

Is mindfulness real science or psycho-babble? You be the judge: research.

1. Be sure you read through "prepare for each session" instructions before you begin. Today's practice should take only about 8 minutes. Also if you are reading this via email, click through to the blog website to access the audio.

2. Get comfy in your chair, legs uncrossed, hands resting in lap, take a deep breath as you soften your eyes, meaning: take in your peripheral vision vs. a hard stare, eyelids relaxed.

3. As you inhale lift arms over head, reaching for ceiling, palms may touch, return hands to center of chest (heart center) with palms pressed together. Repeat 3 times

4. With palms still touching, inhale, then with an exhale gently push hands more firmly together, releasing the pressure on an inhale. Repeat 3 times

5. Interlace your fingers so palms face down, elbows pointing away from your body. Gently move elbows away, creating resistance in interlaced fingers. Take a breath and release slowly.

6. Keeping fingers interlaced, straighten arms sending knuckles away from body. Arms should be at shoulder height, parallel to the floor. Breathe and notice the muscles in the your arms and shoulders. If you have flexibility in your wrists, you may want to try turning your palms out, interlaced knuckles facing your body, arms stretching long. Continue to take slow breaths.

7. Release your fingers and bring both hands to your right thigh, fingers pointing to the right, inhale as you sit up tall, shoulders back and spine long. As you exhale, begin to turn your head to look over your right shoulder, continuing the twist through your torso, seat staying planted to chair. Inhale again, using the exhale to twist just a bit deeper. One more breath as you twist, then return to center. Repeat twist to left then return to center once again, hands resting on lap.

8. Push your chair back from the desk about 2 feet. Use an inhale to reach your hands over head once again, exhaling as you slowly lower hands onto knees, hinging at the hips leading with chest toward your knees for a forward fold. Inhale as you slowly lift torso back to sitting upright. Repeat 2 more times.

9. Slide your fingers of both hands under your right thigh, lifting it a few inches from seat. Keeping knee bent and spine straight, use the hands to move the thigh in circles to open the hip joint. Switch direction after 4 or 5 rotations. Rest the right thigh and move hands under left leg, repeating same movement on this side, 4-5 rotations in both directions.

10. Let hands rest in your lap, relaxing your eyes once again, focusing on slow deep breathing, silently repeating: "in" with each inhale, and  "out" with each extended exhale, for at least 10 complete breath cycles. Enjoy your day! 

Sunday, September 29, 2013


We take breathing for granted. I've been fighting a cold for over a month now, so I am very thankful for any moment that I can take a deep breath that doesn't result in a coughing fit.

Such a simple act it is to just breathe, but so elemental to life.

So many of our common sayings have to do with our breath: Feeling angry or anxious? take a deep breath! Feeling renewed? like a breath of fresh air! Feeling overly busy? stop and take time to catch your breath! Surprised? that took your breath away!

In our yoga practice, breathing is essential. We focus on the inhale and exhale in order to calm our constantly spinning "monkey"minds. We connect our movements with the rhythm of our breath in order to flow with awareness of our body.

For more information and some simple breathing exercises, check out this great article from Harvard Medical School.

 1.On an inhale, lift both shoulders up to your ears, exhaling as you relax them back down again. Repeat that 4 more times, always moving with the breath: lift on inhale, lower on exhale.

2. Roll shoulders up on inhale, then back on exhale, repeat 4 more times

3. Turn head to left on inhale, face forward on exhale, turn right on inhale, face forward on exhale, 3 times each side

4. Inhale with face forward, exhale as drop chin, inhale as roll head to left side, ear toward shoulder (shoulder stays settled), exhale chin to chest, inhale as roll right ear to right shoulder, exhale chin to chest, 3 times each side

5. From chin down position, inhale as look up at ceiling, lifting chin, keep back of neck long not pinched, exhale back down, repeat 3 times

6. Lift hands from lap, on inhale squeeze into fists then exhale as splay open fingers, repeat 4 times

7. Rotate wrists 3-4 times in both directions, ending with hands pressed together (fingers and palms flat as in prayer/heart center position) in front of sternum (breastbone), take 3 slow breaths

8. Open arms widely to your side, palms down and arms parallel to floor, reaching fingers to side walls, shoulders stay relaxed notice opening through your chest, continue to breath and hold here, reaching away from your body for 5 full breaths then let your hands rest on your lap

9. Push chair away from desk enough so make room for legs to lift. Sitting up tall, tighten your lower belly, on inhale lift right foot off floor until knee is straight, toes pointed to ceiling as you lift, push into heel, exhale slowly brings foot back to floor, switch to left foot, and continue alternating lifting on inhale and lowering on exhale, repeat 4 times each side

10. Settle both feet on floor, inhale arms up with fingers reaching for ceiling, elbows can be bent if your shoulders feel tight, exhale hands to heart center position (hands pressed flat together at center of chest), repeat 3 more times

11. Let hands rest gently in your lap, lean back against chair, let your eyes close or look down at your knees, return to slow breath, letting belly rise and fall with each breath

12. Relax and breath for a full minute, count 20 deep, slow breaths, before returning to your day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Happy Fall! My favorite time of year. I love the brisk mornings and the crunchy leaves. The brilliant colors on the trees never cease to amaze.

Since we are now exactly halfway between the summer and winter solstices, now is a great time to take stock and consider balance once again.

In yoga asana, we often work on our physical balance, a worthwhile practice to keep us steady on our feet.

What about balance in other aspects of your life? Is your sleep cycle in balance with your activity level? Or could you add more movement to your day to balance a sedentary lifestyle?

For you science buffs, here's the meaning behind the equinox, from

On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an "equinox", derived from Latin, meaning "equal night".

The September equinox occurs the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from north to south.

1. Imagine you could breathe in through one nostril then exhale through the other. Picture your breath cycle as drawing the breath up from base of your spine and up the left side of your body as you inhale through your left nostril. Then picture the exhale leaving your right nostril and traveling down the right side of your body back down to the base of your spine, where is continues into the next inhale up the left side again. Use this visualization for 3 cycles of breath then reverse direction: inhale up the right side and exhale down the left.

2. Sitting up tall in your chair with the lower belly firm, inhale your arms straight out to the sides. Exhale and bring your fingertips to your shoulders. Continue this movement for 5 breath cycles, bending at the elbow with upper arms parallel to the floor.

3. Bring hands to rest hands in your lap, still sitting up tall, lift right foot off the floor as you straighten the knee. Ankle is flexed with toes pointing up, lift the thigh right off the chair just an inch or so, using the belly muscles and holding 3 breaths. Repeat with left leg.

4.  Camel: Slide a few inches forward away from the back of your chair, bring the palms of your hands to your lower back. Look up at the ceiling as you arch your back and come into a gentle, supported back bend, hands on lower back, letting your head and neck relax and drop back. Breathe for 3 breath cycles. Slowly use your hands to come back up, then shift hands to your knees, folding at the hips to rest your belly on your thighs in a forward fold. Take 3 breaths then use your hands to push to sitting,

5. Eagle: Cross your right thigh over your left thigh. If you can, wrap the right foot all the way around the left calf. Cross your left arm over the right one at the elbow. Bend the elbows and bring your palms to touch.  Lift the elbows while dropping the shoulders away from the ears. Hold three to five breaths. Repeat with left thigh over right thigh this time.

6. Repeat #1 for 3 cycles each side, then rest for a few minutes with your natural breathing.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Two ways to think about inspiration:
-the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative.
-the drawing in of breath; inhalation
The new school year is well underway and our thoughts turn to new undertakings. All those blank notebooks and shiny new pens lining the school supply aisles remind us of the exciting possibilities of this time of year.

Are you feeling inspired to make some changes this fall? Before the holiday craziness begins, reflect on how 2013 has unfolded for you so far. Is there something new you have wanted to add to your life, but the time was never right? Or maybe you have wanted to remove something less than fulfilling from your life and just never got around to it.

Now is the time! The lazy days of summer are behind us and brisk fall air gives us renewed energy. What will you "breathe in" during your practice today and the rest of the week?

 1. Neck massage: Lean your head toward your left shoulder and use your right hand to massage your right shoulder and side of your neck with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale). Repeat with head tilted to the right and using your left hand.

2.Bring both hands behind your neck. Use all your fingers to massage the base of your skull down to your upper back with a slow, circular motion of your fingers continuing for at least 5 slow, full breaths (inhale and exhale).

3. Point and flex ankles: Rest your arms on the chair armrests. On an inhale, flex your right ankle, toes pointing up and heel on floor. Exhale as you lift the heel and point the toes into the floor. Repeat 5 times then switch to left foot.

4. Torso twist: Sit up straight in your chair with hands pressed together at heart center. As you exhale, still with hands pressed together, bring right elbow to rest on the left thigh, turning chest to face the left side of the room. Stay here for 3 breaths then inhale back to sitting up tall. Repeat by bringing left elbow to right thigh and twist to the right this time, again for 3 breaths. 

5. Warrior 1: Slide to the front edge of your seat and turn your body and both knees to the left side with the chair seat supporting the left butt cheek and thigh. The right thigh hangs off the front edge, perpendicular to the floor while the right knee points toward the floor. Slide the right foot back so that the right leg begins to straighten. Turn the foot out so that you can comfortably place it flat on the floor. Keep your upper body sitting tall, resting your left hand on the chair arm support and your right hand on your left thigh.  Keep your torso facing to the left, and if you feel steady on the chair, you can raise your arms up to the ceiling on a inhale. Hold 5 breaths then repeat on right side.

 6. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and calmly for one or two minutes before returning to your day.